The Ripe Rife Search

I’m in the midst of the ripe, rife search
through the debris of my mind
where clutter barricades doorways
and obscures the way out

It’s easier to throw away the new things
those meaningless consumables

It’s the old keepsakes
that I can’t bear to part with
the kindergarten drawings
of big-headed princesses
beneath lemon yellow suns
the faded stuffed horse
she brought to life again and again
its fur pilled and worn
the quilt that covered her bed
until the very last day

Grief wraps its arms around these memories
it tethers them to me
but they don’t bring me comfort
just a sense of lost years,
a sense that my life is an old photo,
the edges bleached white

I have to move the piles,
the collections and discarded bins
that obstruct my view of the exit
or I’ll become another piece of junk
I have to stand up
even though lying down is so much easier

The Edge

it’s endless
the ripe rife search
through the debris of my mind
I shouldn’t be surprised
that I’ve arrived in this place
of perfect strangeness

I had no plan
no well-thought out life’s journey
that would’ve landed me
in a safe place

No, I shouldn’t be surprised
that I fell off the edge
you tethered me to the world
and now I’ve lost half my anchor

I’m not floating
I’m sinking

we always struggle against the current,
envying those with the biggest boats
but there’s no need
eventually we all succumb
I wonder why we’re here at all

time feels false
like the past is right beside me
like I can step into it

Water Buffalo

you’re flying
launched from the back
of water and beast
its slow soak
is your springboard
catapulting you beyond
the scope of my freedom
beyond ropes, gates, fences
signs with red X’s
your freedom
is hot air on nakedness
liquid landings
pure joy
and I thought I knew freedom

Picture Books

Your picture books dance
with half-remembered stories
of unicorns and bears
that we read, laughing
before you quite recognized the words

Each rainbow page
a collage of yesterdays
when we said goodnight to the moon
one hundred times,
studied those red mittens,
those playful kittens

We searched for blue kangaroo
with a dark-haired little girl
whose folly wa to lose him
again and again

We laughed when Knuffle Bunny
fell out of the washing machine
to Trixie’s inexhaustible delight
and your own

We frowned at the bear
who always wanted more
and left all his friends hungry

We watched as Sal picked blueberries
with yet another bear, little Sal
whose mother was always so focused
I marveled at her matter-of-fact resolve.